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wot horse

21 10:07:58

i have to choose between a 1yr old piebold colt, 1yr old skewbold filly and a 7yr old appaloosa mare. wot horse should i choose and why  

There is really not enough information here for me to truely answer your question, but I will try.

First you must consider what you want to do with the horse.  If you want a pet that you can train on your own and have the ability to do the training than the yearlings would be OK.  By the age of 7 years old most horses are trained so that you can ride them.  That would make the Appaloosa mare the better choice.

You must also consider breeds, do you prefer a paint over an appaloosa?  What about the colors - do you like one better than the others?  Colts become stallions unless he has been gelded and if he hasn't then you have to consider that as well.

Temperment, willingness to learn, prior training and handling and lots of other things go into choosing a horse.  Just knowing the age, color and breed really doesn't help me help you.  What do you want to do?  Are you looking for a show horse?  Do you just want to ride around the house?  Do you just want a pet like a big dog?  Are any of these horses more trained than the other?

This is a big decision and you have to consider all of these things.
