Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > pony


21 9:36:25

QUESTION: hello .my pony has soft tissue on front of her knees for five months ,they are of no discomfort ,but look bad as she is a inhand show pony,i have been told blistering is the answer,have tried external creams etc ,no joy ,can you please help thanks gerry.

ANSWER: Gerry,
  Your info is kind of sketchy. Is there any heat in the knees? Have you had her knees x-rayed? What does your vet recommend? What has your pony's activity level been since just before she stocked up?
  Blistering is the last thing is the world you want to do. I'd recommend a good sweat with either Noxema or one of the sweats available commercially.
  Good luck with your pony!
Anne Stepien

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi anne no heat in knees,just soft tissue,has gone dowmn,but not fully, i have not heard of sweats can you explain and give me names thanks gerry

Hi Gerry.
  I'm not sure if Neoprene sweats come in pony sizes or not, but you can do the same thing with a quilt, saran wrap or sheet plastic and a stall bandage.
  There are sweats available commercially ( but I'd recommend Noxema or Furacin. Since you show her, you don't want a product that is going to leave any scurf. Rub the product into her knees, wrap with a quilt, a sheet of plastic or saran wrap and then wrap everything up with your stall bandage.
  Here's a link for a Neoprene sweat but a medium is probably much too large for a pony and you'd take a chance cording her.
  Good luck! Let me know how you make out.
Anne Stepien