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21 9:42:08

The pepi spray, is it called "Coat conditioner"?? Will it make the saddle "slippy"?

Dear JoAnne,
Yes, it is called a coat conditioner - my grooming kit is out at the barn- so I don't have it on hand. I it has a black and white picture of a quarter horse on the can and and sort of cream/beige stripe around the middle of the can. It's not a very "flashy can" and can easily be missed on the shelf. Go to
for a photo of the product.
All coat shining products will make the coat slick (many contain oil or silicone) though I find the World Champion Pepi spray product not nearly as bad for this as the Cowboy Magic or the Show Sheen product lines. You will find that if you invest in a real wool saddle pad- the wool will not slide as much as many of the cotton/synthetic blend pads will.
Good luck at your show. As an aside: Make sure you listen to what the ring steward asks for for your class routine some people blow their halter class because they just don't present the horse the way the judge wanted- and don't waste too much of the judge's time trying to square up- this makes judges crazy. Practice teaching squaring at home- if your horse does it, he does it but don't try to teach him in the show ring.
Best wishes,
S. Evans