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bucked off

21 9:52:50

i have been around and rode horses in my teens but i am now in my 50's..i recently accquired a 6yo mare and was trying to ride her with a new back girth on the saddle..she bucked me off and since then for the past few days she has shown remorse and looked like she is sorry..could this be possible? i am having to wear a sling on my broken arm..


She may well be feeling remorseful but the problem most likely lies with your use of the back girth.  A lot of horses do not like them and if not used to them will do just what she did, buck.  She's a young horse and they will do these things.  Ditch the back girth until you have time to get her used to wearing it.  Put the saddle on her and work her on a lunge line a few times until she's comfortable with it.  

I would suggest you try to get some lessons to refresh yourself if it's been that long since you rode.  Once your arm is healed of course.  

Face it, we don't bounce as well as we once did and can fall into bad habits without realizing it.  I try to take lessons regularly in the summer months to correct things I am doing wrong, mainly compensating for injuries, that make me ride poorly and unbalanced.  Most of us do.  

Good luck, let me know how it goes.
