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Matrix Injury - Cut to rear coronary band

21 10:04:02

Bought 10 yr old TB mare from my trainer 2 yrs ago. Former school horse 5 yrs, old bowed tendon & matrix injury to rear coronary band. Observed her for 18 months prior to purchase. No health or soundness issues. Used for WTC lesson & light jumping. Recently while cantering ground poles the mare hit the old "knot" of scar tissue on the corronary band. It bled a little so I shaved all around the "knot" and the front of the pastern so I could treat  the cut. I found 4-5 scars that looked like interference injuries. I always thought her coronary band injury was due to a wire cut, she was born in Oklahoma, but now I'm not sure. The injury to her coronary band has upset the growth of her hoof. There is a line of verticle horn growing down the hoof from the scar. It has never bled, never opened up. 2 farriers (who had trained out west) have looked at it... nothing to be very concerned about as far as they are concerned, very common out west they say. I want to maintain her hoof health. Gets shoes all around, trimmed every 7 weeks & hoof supplement. Is there something more I can do? I will start using protective leg gear on her. Should I ask farrier about different shoes, possible bar shoes that would provide more support? (You probably wondering why I bought this horse... after observing her for 18 months without health issues I thought she was a hardy individual and she was a safe bet. She is a really good mare with a great mind. Even after 5 years as a school horse she is not sour. She loves to work, learn and eager to please.)
I'm looking for your insight as to how I can maintain her hoof health. Anne  

Dear Anne,

As much as this type of thing breaks my heart and I would love to be able to help you, I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm neither an expert in the veterinary area nor shoe-smith area. I can only tell you this much. It sounds like a very poorly treated puncture wound. I had a mare who was poked with a gardening fork by a careless groom. It did bleed and open up even after stitching, but the foot itself was uneffected. It was treated properly and the wound healed itself.
I'm not telling you that this is the same type of injury, but from what I understand, whatever it was was not corrected the right way. It sounds as though it has actually affected other parts of the leg and body as a result. I can only do so much as to recommend a very thorough vet-check. Have them do an x-ray on each leg and whither,and even check the spine and shoulders. They should be able to do something or at least recommend a recovery for your mare. They will also be able to tell you which shoes will help if any. I used aluminum on my mare and they worked miracles.
If there's anything else I can do, please let me know. I'm sorry I cannot be more help.
Best of luck,