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?A new horse?

21 9:41:52

Hello, I am going into high school, and I am quite knowledgable in horses in general but not what to look for in buying a horse. I'm ready to own a horse and I have taken many riding lessons in previous years and participate in jumping, and dressage, but I am not sure what is the best breed for me, whether its a Halflinger, Morab, Paint horse, what's your opinion out of all of the breeds? And what age would be appropriate for me since I am a begginer in owning a horse? And what would be a reasonable price? Im sorry I'm loading you with so many questions, I just am eager to know so nobody tries to take advantage of me.
Thankyou very much!

hi hastings,
well if you want to do english and show in jumping and dressage then i would suggest a nice thoroughbred. with first horses you want to go with one that is alittle older around 10 yrs old. with haflingers you will outgrow it fairly fast, morabs are nice but they tend to have the arabian spirit and get too high strung. paint horses are great all around horses but are usually for western riding. having a nice calm thoroughbred will give you the looks and performance you want for english riding. best advice though do not get one that is from the race track. they often are too hot headed and may have leg problems. thoroughbreds are also great because they come in all price ranges. you can find alot of good ones at a word of advice too is make sure you feel comfortable on the horse you get. dont be in a hurry to buy one. good luck and let me know if you find a horse.
amanda groff