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pregnant mares

21 10:01:18

Dear Ms. Susan

I am doind a essay report on mares giving birth
how long are they pregnant before giving birth and how often do they need vet check ups

Hi Jocelyn,

Here are some facts for your report:

--Mares are pregnant for 11 months (that's 340 days);
--After a mare misses her first "season" (that's what a horse's period is called), a vet needs to check for pregnancy.  They can do this in two different ways - either by palpation (doing a rectal exam and feeling the ovaries) or by ultrasound (just like they do with humans).
--During their pregnancy, they should receive a rhinopneumonitis shot every 2 months (it prevents a type of cold virus that can cause them to have a miscarriage);
--Other than the shots, no other vet exams are needed during pregnancy.  Horses are pretty easy animals when they're pregnant.
--When a mare gives birth, it usually takes a little less than one hour from start to finish.  Usually, they don't require any help from humans, and in fact, will often try to time their delivery for middle of the night so that no humans are around.  It makes them feel safer.
--Because they are prey animals (animals that are eaten by other animals), horses can hold off giving birth for up to 2 weeks.  They can be in labor and stop the labor if they feel threatened or unsafe.

Hope this helps!  Good luck on your report!
