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White Hairs on sides of the Withers

21 9:47:09

I have a 4 y/o QH mare, I have been riding her regularly since 2 without any problems.  I have noticed recently that she has white hairs growing on either side of her withers.  I use a western saddle by Billy Cook (roping) it has full QH bars.  My mare is about 14.2 or maybe a little taller, she is pretty stocky.  The saddle has clearance on top of the withers and seems to fit her nicely.  I have had horses for 10 years and haven't had this problem, I also use that saddle on my 15.3 hh Arabian gelding, he's a big boy, this is the first saddle that I have used on him that I don't need a tight breast collar with (saddle doesn't slide back on him).  Any pointers?


Your saddle is too narrow for her withers.  The white hairs indicate too much pressure in that area.  You have to remember that she has grown and changed shape since you first started riding her.  I won't get on a horse until they are 4 yrs. old but that's another subject.  Anyhow, you are going to have to get another saddle.  

A simple way to initially check for width is to mold a pliable piece of wire (like a coat hanger weight wire) over her withers then fit that up under the tree of the saddle you are considering where it would rest on that area.  You don't want it snug, there has to be room for the pad you are using too.  Saddles are kind of like shoes.  If they don't fit they are uncomfortable to downright painful to the horse and cause a lot of other physical problems in the back as well.  If you aren't very good at fitting saddles get someone who is to give you a hand.  I would look for a decent used saddle.  She is going to continue growing and filling out for a while yet.  Anything that fits her now will most likely not fit her in another year or so.  Horses outgrow saddles just like kids outgrow shoes.  No reputable saddle maker will even make a custom saddle for a horse under 8 yrs. of age unless the owner is aware that it will have to be replaced as the horse gets older.  So this won't be her last saddle.

Hope this helps.
