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New Mustang

21 9:49:29

I am 13 and i am saving up my money to get a Horse.The kind of horse i want to get is a mustang from the BLM. I have never had a horse before and i am still not sure whether to get a wild mustang or a trained more expensive horse.
I do actually have a lot of experience around horses though.I work at an Equestrian Center and i know how much hard work it is to train and look after a horse.
I want a horse just to go on trail rides with and possibly train for Barrel Racing. I'm not sure if a mustang is the right kind of horse to get.What do you think?


You are a little young to take on training a raw, BLM Mustang.  It takes a lot of horse savvy and patience and time, and the proper facilities for a wild one.  There are Mustangs that come from the BLM that have gone through their prison program.  These horses are properly started up to and including riding.  But not a lot of advanced training and you could pretty much mold the horse however you wished starting with a horse that knows the basics.  

Mustangs are awesome trail horses.  I've competed and ridden them thousands of miles on trail.  Most are extremely agile and athletic so would be very capable at barrel racing.  And any of the other gymkhana classes.  Mustangs are very smart and get really good at these things.  
