Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > leaping!


21 9:46:38

i have a 12year old fizzy cob mare who i've had 9 years.  recently she has started leaping in the air then throwing her head down pulling me off balance and reins out my hands thenm bolting.  once i regain reins i can stop so its not so much stopping her galloping its stopping her leaping and pulling me off balance.  she is ridden in a snaffle at the moment.  she gets plenty of work but she's always been very keen on galloping and hates being behind other horses (she is worse with leaping if behind)

I would check the bit and make sure it is not too tight or pinching her.  If you try and ride her in a halter you may see this go away, then you would know it is the bit.  I don't like bits and think they cause too many problems and hurt the horse.  Check into get a bridle less bit and see if she gets better.  My guess is it is the bit or your hands are too hard.  
