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21 10:00:33

HI i am training my 2 and a half year old arabian gelding i lunge and longe rein him, walk him out etc, i want to know how much of this i should do like a training programme. Should I do it every day? how long should he have off like a break from it all? Im planning on backing him when he is three could you give me a breif description in everything i should do to prepair him properly. Have you any tips on haulter showing also . Many thanks xxxxx  

Hello Kerri,

Here is the program for a youngster:

Between 2 and 3 years old, he can be saddled, bridled and led for any distances. He can be mounted and dismounted; however no round penning, no longing, no circles of any kind.  His hocks are still too undeveloped and will eventually give problems.

At age 3: Mounted and ridden in straight lines for an hour or so a day, like in trail riding. Hills are great for him at this age: up and down, straight up and straight down, no tacking side to side.  No lateral work and no ring work.

At age 4 he can begin lunging. 10 minutes left rein trot, 3 minutes walk, change direction 10 minutes trot, 3 minutes walk.  You can work him up to 40 minutes of this. Then you can begin ring work with very large circles and large turns at the ends of the tight turns. Figure 8 at trot, change of rein across arena at walk.

He should work 6 days a week.

If you do this you will have a sound, fresh and happy mount for many years.

Sorry, I have no tips on halter showing. Never did that.

Happy riding,