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crosby xl saddle value

21 9:19:10

QUESTION: This is an original, made in England, not the new ones made in the US.  It has the XL stamp and is practically in mint condition. It is a medium stock,size 16 1/2

Thank you for your expertise
I anxiously await your answer


ANSWER: Dear Kelly,
I have found that the value of a used saddle is determined by a number of factors- but ultimately it is what ONE person is willing to pay in the current market. As you are no doubt aware -the market is very poor right now. Here are some current e-bay listings for your saddle:
As you can see- the used prices vary widely but nothing approaches the "new" value. You do not say what seat size your saddle is- as this can also be a mitigating factor. I would consider a good consignment store in your area as the cost of shipping/shipping insurance for a saddle may exceeds the commission charged by the store.
I hope this is of some help to you.
S. Evans

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Actually I did give the seat size and your answer was no better than my own common sense.  I contacted you because you claim to be an expert...not someone who would just refer me to EBAY.  A consignment store?  Why didn't you just tell me to give this mint condition, original, made in England saddle to Goodwill!

Dear Kelly,
Thank you for your vicious assault. If you had actually read my profile then you would acknowledge that I do not profess to be a saddle maker nor do I operate a tack store. While I thought it was an odd question to pose to me- since I have successfully helped many of my clients sell their used tack, I decided I would have the courtesy to respond. Please note that we do this as VOLUNTEERS on our own time.
Since you profess to have common sense, then you would already know that the only way to determine a used saddle's value depends on what similarly conditioned used saddles of the same make and vintage are selling for in today's market. I assume that you have misunderstood what we refer to as "consignment stores." When we are referring to tack- this means a used TACK consignment store. I wrongfully assumed that this was a given- or that it would be common sense. Many leading tack stores have a consignment section. What this has to do with a charitable organization such as Goodwill is beyond me; acts of "goodwill" do not appear to be in your nature.
I have forwarded your response to the ALLExperts staff and suggested that they note your IP address.
Good luck selling your saddle.
S. Evans