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Wont stay in Fence.

21 9:49:45

Hi I have a 19 month old mustang but she wont stay in her pasture. We have 4ft tall, 3 line electric fencing. Every day she gets out at least 3 times right after you put her outside. She runs strait through the fence or jumps it. I am at a boarding stable so it is not safe for her to be running around. I cannot build a wood fence but do you have any suggestions to making the fence taller or hotter?


Yeah, 4 ft. fences won't work for a lot of mischievious babies.  Sounds like you have a horse with some natural jumping ability on your hands.  Might consider that for future use.  Anyhow, if you can just add extensions to the posts holding the other 3 lines and add another foot or so of wire.  I haven't a clue as to what type of posts have been used so you may have to be a inventive here as to how you do it.  There are dozens of types of posts in use.  Secondly you may need to add another charger to the fence.  I use 1 charger per line of fence.

If that isn't enough then you can introduce her to hobbles.  Not the kind that fit the front feet, you want the ones that work on the side, so either RF/RH are connected or the left side.  Unless the horse is a pacer, this does slow them down.  Trust me, they can't run but they can get around.  Use them until she get the idea that she has to stay in her pasture or you will ensure that she does.  She's a Mustang, they're smart, I would bet she'd have it figured out in a week.  She might try the fence but you'd have to catch her right then and put the hobbles on.  Leave them on until the next day and see what happens when you put her out.  She either tries or does get out then on go the hobbles again and they stay on for a couple of days now.  Then you give it another try.  It doesn't take but 1 or 2 times and they figure it out.

So, hopefully some of this info will be of assistance to you.  Let me know how this turns out.
