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pregnent mare?

21 9:47:13

hi , we bought this pony around 6 months ago ,we got a saddle fitter out and she said she proparly might bee pregnet. Her stomach is solid and she always looks bigger on one side. we looked at her 2 day and she has a sort of hard lump sticking out from under her stomach. Shall we get a vets advice or just leave her and is she pregnet?        
FROM MARIA-13 yrs old

Hello Maria,
thank you for you question. Although I am not a vet and answer mainly questions about horse's feet, I feel comfortable, from what you describe, to agree that it may really be a good thing to have the vet come and have a look at your pony. The vet will best be able to tell you whether you pony is pregnant or whether something may be wrong with her. Even if she is JUST pregnant, you still want the vet to see her since he has to make sure that everything is ok with the baby.

So, your instincts were great, yes, getting the vet's advice is the best thing to do here.
