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stifle stiffness

21 9:19:09

I have an 8 year old off the track thoroughbred that I have been schooling for 2 years. As far as I can tell he was never raced very heavy, only 6 times between 4-6 yoa. Recently I have taken him to a trainer who says that he is stiff in his stifles. Not lame, just stiff. When he showed me how to tell if he was stiff I saw movement and symptoms that he has always had (ie. not liking to go down hills, jumping fences crooked.) He said that it could be slight arthritis but it could also be that he is not conditioned. My horse has never used his hindquarters and we are just starting to teach him to use himself. He usually warms out of the stiffness after a few strides of trot but he still never really uses his hocks and stifles like other horses. Are there any excersises you could recommond to me to start working his stifles a little to strengthen the muscles there?


Your horse needs some attention.  He's been through race training which is pretty tough.  I've worked on the racetrack exercising TB's when I was younger.  Hock problems are not uncommon in TB's who have raced.  So you sort of have a project horse here.  He can be fixed, but it's going to take some time and money.  

First, get him evaluated by a vet.  Find out what is really going on with his stifles.  It may well be arthritic changes but these can be remedied. There are a number of courses of treatment available to you. Also, find a massage therapist.  You are in PA but I don't know where in relation to where I am in NJ otherwise I would come.  But he's going to have some serious muscle issues in the hind end, I guarantee it, that need to be straightened out.  If he's been twisting to get himself over fences poor guy has probably thrown his back out too.  That where you need an equine chiropractor. I know you are probably reeling about now because this isn't going to be cheap, but you'll have a really nice horse who will be able to do pretty much anything you ask.  TB's are really sweet and try very hard to please.  

I've worked on a lot of TB's with similar issues and we've gotten them all through this.  You have to realize, horse's don't finish fully growing until the are 8.  He's been asked to do a lot of strenuous work when he was really just a baby and then a kid.  Time and care and he'll be the horse you want.  

He shouldn't be asked to do any jumping, collection, sharp turns or downhill work until he's healed.

Have patience and you'll watch this horse blossom for you.  
