Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > 360


21 10:00:28

i have a registered quarter horse mare, she is 8 years old, a bay with black socks. I train her in western pleasure. she is real good at everything, except her canter and i cant get her to do 360's. next spring/summer i am going to show her in western pleasure and halter and showmanship. She raises her head and canters fast, sometimes she will lower her head and do as i ask ( slow lope) but then  she jumps right up again. Can u explain how to get her to slow down and stay slow? Also, i'd like to get her to do 360's for other shows so can u tell me how to teach her with in a 6 or 7 month range?  

  I am very sorry, but I can not help you with this problem through e-mail communication.  This issue is so involved and varied based on your riding and/or the horses ability and comfort level.  I think the best thing for you to do is to have a trainer or riding instructor go to you to watch what is going on to properly advise you on how to solve these issues.

Good Luck with your little horse, please let me know if I can help with anything else.
