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Older TB

21 9:49:50

Hi I have a 24 year old New Zealand Thoroughbred who is a much loved friend.  However, in the last 3 weeks he has been drinking far more than he has in the past.  He is still happy to be ridden and is working as usual.  His coat is still glossy and he appears his usual self.  I have to wonder if he is showing signs of Kidney failure and have tried to flush him with epsom salts in his feed, however he is still drinking and urinating a great deal.  Any thoughts?

hi Hayley,
since he is old his body dehydrates much easier. he drinks more the keep himself healthy. plus this years summer has been a hott one so he will drink more. this is all perfectly normal. just keep riding him and go on as usual.
if you have anyother questions just ask and ill answer.
amanda groff