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Lameness - Dropping hip

21 10:02:08

I have a 9 year old showjumper who competes on aregular basis.  Over the last week she felt tight behind the saddle and so I booked her in for a chiropractic session.  Not much work needed to be done but nevertheless I gave her a few days off work.  Three days after her treatment I brought her back into gentle walking work and she was lame.  This showed through her dropping her hip and a short gait behind.  She has had regular check-ups before and has never shown any signs of lameness after treatment. Could the treatment have caused more harm than good or is it just that she is still sore after the treatment?

Thank-you for your help,


Hi Nicky;

You might want to call the chiropractor and tell him/her what's going on.  

It is possible that after an adjustment the horse can be muscle sore and actually seem worse than before the adjustment.  A massage therapist could help you with that.

It's also possible the chiropractor messed up.

It's also possible that since the chiropractic visit she's hurt herself.  Slipped outside, gotten up funny in her stall, rolled and got herself cast a bit and so on....

So, talk to the chiropractor first and get his/her input and then go on from there.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt