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pregant horse

21 10:01:26

I think our horse may be pregant? how many mos. is a horse pregant? we think she is about 6-8mos. along. when we pinch her nipples a clear liquid comes out? is she getting close?
thank you, Ashlee

Hi Ashlee;

This is not a situation to fool around about and wait and see.  Have a reproduction vet come out and examine her.  

A pregnant mare needs to be fed differently than a non-pregnant one.  There are also many complications that can arise and it's important that you as a caregiver for this horse are properly prepared.  Pregnant mares should also receive a series of 3 vaccinations for Rhino.  It's too late for your mare if she is pregnant, but that's just an example of how important pregnancy is.

A mare has a gestation period of 11 months and there's no way for me to know how close she is to giving birth.  Only a vet can tell you that.

Best of luck!


Lana Reinhardt