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2 yr old gelding and mare

21 10:01:53

We recently purchased a 2 yr old gelding for my 10 yr old daughter.She has had western pleasure lessons for the past 5 yrs. This horse was trained by a professional and was sold to us as a safe, sound, all around great horse! I was just told by someone that a 2 yr old horse is just too young to be trained and ridden. Also, that a horse that young is very unpredictable.
Is this true?

The "someone" you spoke to is absolutely correct on both counts. As a coach, a judge, a trainer and a parent I would never purchase a two year old for a child - even an "experienced" ten year old is still a ten year old. In most breeds (quarter horses and racing thoroughbreds being the notable exceptions) two year olds aren't even backed since a) their knees are often not "closed"  and their physiology is not ready to bear the weight of a rider and b) they are not mentally mature enough to be able to handle a training regime (horses started too young are often ruined). In Europe, most warmbloods are first backed at three then turned out for another year to mature. Arabians are rarely started before they are three. Some breed divisions even prohibit horses under three from being shown under saddle.
It's not that this horse might not turn into a suitable mount - but anyone who would sell you a two year old as an "all round great horse" suitable for a child was, in my opinion, sticking his/her neck way out on a legal limb. Two year olds ARE, simply by thier lack of life experience, as a collective, highly unpredictable.
S. Evans