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21 10:07:52

Im having problems catching my horse...somtimes he lets me catch him if im lucky,but mostly as soon as I come into his pasture he quickturns and canters of with his buddies.I bring him treats,grain, or carrots.He still dosnt want to be caught...After many attempts of cornering him and tring to catch him he gives up but is so tired...and dosnt have as much energy left for his 2 hour lesson...Please can you give me some tips on how to catch him.


Hi Johanna.

A two hour lesson?  That's a long time.  You might consider cutting this in half.  He may be resistant to catch because he's experiencing pain, discomfort, soreness etc... after his two hour lessons.

Also, be sure not to just catch him everytime you want him to work.  It doesn't take horses long to figure out, when she comes, I have to work, I'm outta here.

Spend some time hanging out with him and not catching him.  Go out to just say hi, how are you.  Groom him and love on him and then leave.  He'll begin to look forward to seeing you.

I think you two have simply gotten into a pattern of, Johanna shows up, horse has to work.  Change that pattern and I think you'll find him eager to see you.

Continue to bring treats, but don't go in after him.  Encourage him to come to you.  When does, give him a treat, pet him, tell him he's a good boy, turn and leave.

One last thing, make sure when you go to get him that you aren't in a hurry.  If you get annoyed or frustrated or are in a hurry, he'll sense that and want nothing to do with you.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt