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Hoof Care/Rug Sores/General Health

21 9:19:02

Hi, I would like any recomendations for products (sold in australia) to prevent any infection happening to my horse's feet inside the frog and all. It can rain for days and be sunny for days, so the soil is is wet.... his feet smelled a bit funky - but its muddy. Home remedies are welcome. PLEASEEE HELP.

I would also... like to know what is the best things for rug sores.. I got a rug that was too small, and it rubbed some hair off, and it looked a bit weird, yellow thing like it rubbed bad. I put wound cream on it daily an kept the rug off there healing, but if anyone has any suggestions to good products or home fix let me knnnow!

Hi Sky -

I wish I knew what products were available in Australia but I just don't have that information so I apologize for not being much help there.  I've heard of owner's using bleach to kill thrush but have never tried it myself.  I have always just tried to keep their feet dry or least cleaned out.  Any thrush that has developed on my personal horses has cleared itself once it's allowed to dry out.

As for your rug sores, there is a product available here you may want to try called a Slinky that provides protection against blanket rubs on pressure points such as the withers and shoulders.

I hope that helps a little!

Thank you :)
