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mini gelding allergic reaction caused death

21 10:03:58

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Question -
Thank you for your answer.  I never even got a chance to use him for driving because I was waiting for his boots to go over his hooves so his feet would not hurt on the gravel roads.  They arrived the day after he died.  I would really like to find another driving mini so if you know of anyone that may have a driving pony for sale I would really appreciate it so much.  Thanks,  Sue

Hello Sue,
Actually, I just got a mini gelding for training.  He's a 5 year old Palomino gelding, about 32".  He is double reg'd, doesn't have the greatest conformation, but a sweetie nonetheless!  He was neglected for a year or two of his life, but he is a very nice mini.  He has the greatest attitude, and will do anything to please you!  He isn't "finished" yet, just green broke.  I've been lunging him quite a bit, and we go on long walks and ground drives down our busy road and in the field.  He also likes to jump and always runs to the gate!  He will be a great driving horse and he has a ton of potential!
Other people that I know of that always have some nice horses avaliable is Deb Fenske (  She doesn't always have trained horses, but she knows all the breeders around our area.  In Michigan, Whispering Winds has many minis.  I'm not sure if they are trained for driving or not, but my driving mare was bred to their gorgeous stallion, and they have some very nice horses!
I'm in central WI, not sure how far you are willing to travel to get a horse... but in our area there seems to be tons of minis for sale year round!
My email is, probably easier to talk that way!
Rhea Brown