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halter breaking

21 9:53:14

my horse is about a year old, I got him about 3 months ago and I'm having trouble halter breaking him. I was wondering how I could go about gaining him trust and begin halter breaking him.

Dear Jami:
Yikes! A yearling that isn't halter broken is a big challenge- especially if he's an unwilling student. I would use a soft rope halter (cotton) that can slide over his head quickly and that has a leather crown piece so that should you get it on him but you can't get it off- it doesn't pose a hazard. (The leather crown piece will break if he were to get a hoof underneath it.) Attach a short length of cotton lead (no more than two feet)to the halter to use as a catch rope.
You don't tell me how "un halter broke" he is so I don't know if he simply won't lead or if he won't let you even halter him. If it's the latter- your best to work in a fairly contained space (but not a stall where you could get pinned). A round pen is ideal. The old bucket of oats and a ton of patience usually works best. Team up the halter to things he likes- grooming, scratching, treats- and just rub it all over him as a de-sensitization excercise. Don't even try to get it near his head for the first few days and don't spend more than 15-20 minutes at it. Eventually rub it on his head- feed him a carrot through the noseband but DON'T try to put it on him. Only after he will willingly stick his head into the noseband should you try to do up the crown piece. Once you get it on- (if you can) remove it right away and reward him.
Let's assume that he will let you halter him but he won't lead. You'll need another experienced handler, a bum rope, a buggy whip and a bucket of treats.The bum rope ( which again should be cotton and NOT nylon) should be loosely draped around his off side from the halter and around his quarters above his hocks. Your partner will pull on the bum rope if he doesn't move forward. Repeated gentle but irritating taps with the whip (and I do mean taps- this is designed to bug him not hurt or scare him) will follow the tightening of the bum rope. Even ONE step forward gets a "Good boy!" and a treat. Aagin- don't over do it- twenty minutes max. If you have an experienced horse that you can pony him from this may also work. DO wear gloves and DO NOT tie the rope or dally the rope to any part of your equipment- if he gets stupid0- simply let him go and begin again. Obviously- this is done in a pen or an arena.
Good luck and take your time.
S. Evans