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Working Western vs Western Pleasure

21 9:52:02

Hi Shelley,
can you help define what a judge in a working western "flat" class (no pattern) might be looking for in comparison with a western pleasure class? what type of head carriage and gait speed are desired?  we have a foundation AQH that has had some reining training and his gaits and carriage do not seem suitable for western pleasure but we have not advanced to the level of riding that reining requires.

Dear Justine:
I am not familiar with a "working western class." There is working cowhorse and a wide assortment of horsemanship classes (with patterns), western equitation classes but not a straight "working western"- flat- simply implies not over fences - which of course is a given in all but trail in the western discipline. Unfortunately, if it's not trail. cowhorse, cutting or reining- your judge is going to be looking for that AQHA western pleasure frame and cadence. You might also ruin a good reining prospect if you try to turn her into something she's not.
Maybe try some local open shows where simply a well schooled, obedient horse is more important than the AQHA frame. In the meantime- continue to work on your own equitation by taking some reining lessons (wear a helmet while you're learning no matter what anyone tells you - fashion loses its charm in the ICU of the local hospital).
Hope this is of some help.
S. Evans