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sheath cleaning

21 9:40:18

I have had geldings since 1980 and never have I cleaned the sheath with any regularity, on some, never. Why is it recommended to clean once or twice a year? And they have never had their "bean" removed.

Smegma builds up in the horse's sheath that can become so large (referred to as a "bean") that it obstructs urination.  This can obviously become quite painful as well as cause serious health concerns.  Many factors go into how often a horse needs his sheath cleaned.  Each horse is different.  Things to consider are how often the gelding or stallion lays down, what his bedding condition is, how dusty or damp his environment his, how often he is bathed, his diet, his hydration, and the size of his urethra.  A good rule of thumb is to have your vet inspect your horse once a year for an overall checkup.  Your vet can determine whether or not the sheath needs cleaning, and can also do this for you to upon your request.