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Showing Young Horses in Halter

21 9:46:35

I have a 10 yr old mare that tosses her head around when riding.  She doesn't always do it but it gets very annoying when she does.  Her teeth have been floated and I try holding the reins tight and then releases but she still will pull on the reins quite a bit.  Any suggestions?

Rick Gore:  Hard hands makes horses, soft hands makes a soft horses. If you think like a horse; would you want a metal bit in your mouth with someone pulling or "holding them tight"?  

I would bet you if you rode your horse in a halter she would not toss her head, unless you started pulling or holding the reins tight.  Most horse problems are people problems.  If your horse is tossing the head, it is not the horse's fault.  You are doing something to cause this.  If you understand a horse, you would know that you never pull on both reins at the same time.  One rein should be loose and the other should be slightly tighter to send a cue and help the horse find the right answer.

When a horse pulls, you should not pull back, you simple hold the rein so the horse will learn to release the pressure himself.  That way when you give a cue with a rein, the horse knows how to release the pressure and give to the rein.  Pulling on both reins teaches a horse to pull harder to try and find the release.  Simply put, the horse does not know the right answer.  why?  You have not helped him to find the right answer.  His head tossing is a result of confusing and frustration from the horse.

It is never the horses fault.  Once you realize this, you will work on yourself, become a better horseman/horsewoman and your horse will stop fighting with you since he will understand what you want and how to give it to you.

People need to always look at what they are doing to cause the problem and not just blame the horse.

Read my site and it will give you a better understanding of the horse.
