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My abused and spooky pony

21 9:41:13

I just recently got an abused spooky and skiddish pony. I have to questions for you that I hope you can answer. I am 12 yrs old and still learning, but I know quite a bit, and I have help from my english instructor and my western instructor. My first question is about training. My pony is quite scared but getting better, his name is Darby. I have been trying to train Darby how to lunge. But I was wondering how you train horse and ponies how to lunge. I know how to lunge, but I don't know how to train it.
  My next question is about his behavior. I am pretty sure Darby is a NewFoundLand pony. I was wondering -- Darby likes to put his head down to eat when were working, when I pull his head up he spooks, I was wondering if I should get him a grazing muzzle for when I'm working with him? I hope you can help. Please reply as fast as possible!


I would suggest that you start doing some round pen work with him rather than trying to teach him to lunge right now.  He needs to work through a lot of his fears and you can do that very effectively in the round pen.  Get Pat Parelli's videos about the 7 games.  You will find it much more instructive to watch rather than just read about it.  Once you have his trust and he is responding to you then you can start him on more advanced training, lunging then riding.  Until you break through the barriers that he's put up for defense you'll find that he'll work much more readily with you.  I've worked every abused animal I've had for as much as 60 days in the round pen before going on.  The one I spent 60 days with was a pony.  Ponies are much smarter than horses so a lot will depend upon how severe his resistance has become.  You didn't say how old he is, that will be a factor.  A younger animal is more willing to give because their experience is shorter I think.  Older ones can take some serious time but they all do come around.  

You need to start back at the beginning with Darby.  Assume that you need to start over completely and the round pen is the first step.  Free of restraints the animal has to "think" his way through the issues which is the very best way to train a horse.  I hope this helps.  Don't let the adults stampede you into rushing his training.  You are 12.  He will be around for a long time, a big part of your life, so what time you spend now will be re-paid thousands of times over.  

As far as lunge training, when you are ready to take that step get back to me and I'll tell you. I don't want you jumping the gun on this.  Properly teaching a horse/pony takes time, the very best results come from what you invest.  He sounds like a really nice pony, Newfoundlands are awesome ponies, so he deserves your very best efforts.  

Let me know how things go.  I'll be happy to give you advice whenever you need it.  I think you'll find the Parelli videos extremely helpful.  It's really fascinating to watch the horses start thinking as they're being worked.  
