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old stubborn mare

21 9:45:21

I have a 20 year old STUBBORN QH mare that has done nothing but graze and lounge for 2 years.  She has a terrible habit of bucking when you ask her to lope.  I mean BUCK.  I am not sure how to fix this. I am an experienced rider and have ground worked her before riding.  She is hard headed, stubborn and can be quite a bit to handle.  I thought by this time in her life she would begin to settle.  Not!

Hello Jill!
Alright, she sounds like quite a handful! lol
Well, 1st thing is 1st..alright, I would get her very conditionned in the walk and trot. Once that is done, that's when you ask her to canter. Make sure you sit very very deep, push her forward, and hold her head up. A horse cannot buck if their head is up, neither can they buck if you push them forward.