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21 10:02:00

Iam a new horse owner. My "baby"is 7 months old(born in oct or 05) she isnt shedding all her baby hair. Its esp heavy on her sides and underbelly. She is shedding on her back and legs. Is there something i should be doing to help?she is a tn walker. Thank you for any advice. robin

Hi Robin;

I've heard, though never tried myself, that worming can sometimes shed out a horse quicker.  If your filly isn't up to date with worming, than you could try that.

Some horses shed out slower than others and the sides and underbelly are always the last.  Sometimes several days of bathing and vigorous grooming will speed things along.

Weather can play another roll.  If your temperatures have been drastically changing from warm one week, cool the next, that will cause them to hang onto their hair longer.

If your filly has a general 'unwellness' about coat is dull, potbelly and things of that nature, then have your vet in to take a look and maybe pull some blood.

Best wishes!


Lana Reinhardt