Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > terminology


21 9:53:17

Can you tell me what these terms mean? "bear in" or "bear out", horse is "checked too high" or "checked too low". Also, if a horse has a tendency to carry his hind end to the right or left in the sulky shafts,what corrective measures might you try?  

Hi Suzanne.
  "Bear in" and "bear out" are terms referring to a horse that does not travel in a straight line. Checked too high or checked too low refer to an overcheck that must be adjusted. If a horse is getting his hind end over between the shafts it usually indicates lameness. The best solution is to find out where the horse is off and get him sounded up. When a horse isn't carrying himself straight, it greatly increases the risk that the horse will start interfering, so getting him straight is very important. A temporary measure you could try till you can get him sounded up is a gaiting strap or a gaiting pole.
   Good luck---hope you're able to pinpoint the problem!
Anne Stepien