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horses birth

21 9:54:05

what are some signs to look for when your horse is about to deliver?

  The 2 biggest signs I would watch for is a slight temperature rise in your mare, only by a degree or so, and her milk bags will swell up, possibly start leaking colustrum, and about 24-72 hours prior to delivery she will get a wax plug on her teats.  It should literally look like she dipped her teats in hot wax that dried.  You may notice that she is very uncomfortable, or not too interested in her feed or hay.  If this is a maiden mare (a mare who has never had a foal before) she may not get waxy, but her temp will rie, and she will exhibit the uncomfortable behavior and lack of interest in feed.  Sometimes, but very rarely, they will not show any signs at all, you may come out to the barn in the morning and find 2 horses in your mares stall, instead of just one.  However, if you live in a very cold region, and the baby is coming soon, I would really try to keep a watch on her very closely, and have a vet or close friend that has foal and birthing experience on call, because you need to be there to make sure the foal is warm enough and dried off quickly to avoid complications.  I would also recommend chatting with your vet about possibly due dates, and things to have ready to go at a moments notice.  I am not sure what are you live in, but if it is close to OK city, I can be available if needed, if you live in NJ, PA, or northern VA, I can recommend personal friends that may be available as well.  

I hope this helps.  You can also find lots of info on foaling, and pregnant mares online.  If you would like I can get you a list of legitamite sites.

Samantha Brunner