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ex-race horse

21 10:02:02

I was given a now recovered, injured race horse. He's a beautiful 4 yr old throughbred. I have never worked with horse, I only ride them! I know that I will need to work with him! Is there any certain way to start lungeing them? Once I get him used to the western style sattle, I want to get on him! I know that if I pull back on the reins he's going to go faster, how to I get him to stop  by pulling back on the reins?  

just treat him like any other horse you ride western. he will get used to a western bit, but use a mild curb or western snaffle.they stop when you pull back just like any other horse.

the best way to start him on a lungeline is in a stall, then a round pen. he probably already knows how to work on a lungeline from being broken as a yearling