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my horse is bucking

21 9:47:22

my horse when i ride western every time i get into a canter he goes once around the arena then he bucks..what should i do?


First off I would check the fit of your saddle.  Sounds like there's a problem.  This is pretty typical behavior if a saddle really doesn't fit a horse and the horse objects to pain.  

Check out the saddle itself and make sure it's still in good condition.  Stand it on the pommel end and look at the saddle to see if it's straight.  Trees can twist or break over time.  Look at the panels and see if they are uniform.  Put it on the horse with the pad you normally use.  If the pad is white make sure it's clean.  If it isn't white put a piece of white cloth or a towel under the pad on the horse's back.  An old piece of sheet works well.  Ride the horse long enough to get him sweating good under the saddle.  Don't canter, just trot and walk.  A fair amount of steady trotting will get him sweating.  Stop and take the saddle off and look at the horse's back.  Any ruffled hair?  Dry spots?  Look at the pad/cloth.  It should have an even imprint of the saddle on it with no areas darker/lighter than other areas.  Any of the situations I have described indicate abnormal pressure points.  The fit of a saddle is like a pair of shoes.  If it doesn't fit well it's uncomfortable to downright painful.  

If there is nothing wrong with the saddle the next thing is to check out the horse's back itself.  Run your fingers down each side of his backbone, about 2" away from the spine hard enough to depress the flesh.  Watch his reaction.  Does he drop from the pressure, pin his ears, swish his tail, snap, move around?  Anything other than ignoring what you are doing indicates sensitivity.  If the saddle fits then the sensitivity may be from having his back out.  Then you need an equine chiropractor to check him out and possibly put some bones/joints back where they belong.  

But I would most definately check the fit of your saddle first.  If that doesn't fit properly his back may well exhibit signs of soreness that are due to the saddle not fitting.  I gave you the info on the chiropractor as the next step if the saddle is not the problem.

