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Horses hair is falling out

21 9:45:04

I have a 9 year old gelding.  We have had him since March of this year.  All of a sudden his hair has started to fall out in clumps.  The first sign of something unusual happening to him was a few days ago.  I noticed that his skin seemed to be peeling.  He has these white flaky things all over him.  Then I noticed that when I touched him, some parts seemed bumpy, when I rubbed these bumpy areas his hair just fell out.  The skin beneath his hair is smooth, no bleeding or soreness.  About 2-3 weeks ago we started using fly spray on him, don't know if this could be the cause or not.  The patches that are falling out are in all different parts of his body, face, legs girth...everywhere but on his least at this point.  Would appreciate any information, I would hate to think that he is in any kind of pain, so would like to get it treated right away.  Thank you.

hi stephanie,
he probably has a skin fungus. you a=can treat this with a fungus shampoo. keep washing him with it until you see improvement. it could be your fly spry so try switching the brand. dont worry he is not in any pain this happens often.
amanda groff