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i have no idea

21 10:08:04

theres a new born filly i  have who is 2 days old and shes odd coloured shes a dark blue roan with white patches. wot is she.


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help. I really can't say what colour she is. A lot of horses change colours as they grow older. I know a horse who was born black but grew up to be a pure white colour. It's possible the dark blue roan could be a black colour ase she grows in which case she would be a piebald. Or a tobiano. It also depends on the breed. Appaloosa's are well known for have blue roans with white. But it's hard for me to say without actually seeing the horse. As well she could very well be just one of those horses whose colour doesn't fit into a category. A good person to ask might be a vet. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help and that it took so long to get back to you.

~*~ Meg ~*~