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one of my horses hates us taking the bit out of her mouth

21 10:02:26

hi, i forgot to ask where you can find toffee? we couldnt find any here. we tried alittle bit of caramel, and the other horse liked it, but not the one we are having issues with. if you would let me know, i would really appreciate it. thanks,
Followup To
Question -
i was wondering if you could help me? one of my horses doent like us taking her bit out, unless we take the bride apart first. do you know what would cause that? she doesnt care about us putting her bridle on. we are using a tom-thumb bit. we are going to try a ring snaffle. also, she stretches her neck out like she is trying to push the bit out of her mouth, or is trying to resist it. if you would email me back i would really appreciate it. thanks,

Answer -
Dear Carmen:
It is sometimes difficult with a little bit of information to fully assess what might be bothering your mare. I will give you a few suggestions- on the understanding that some of them may have no bearing on your mare:
1. She could have been roughly handled at some point in her history.
2. She could have some dental or veterinary issues
Let's address the first situation-
Sometimes horses come into our lives with a great deal of baggage- both physical and psychological. Even a young horse can have passed through many hand before having reached you. If a former owner had a history of using a severe bit or simply a habit of banging the bit against her teeth- this could result in the behaviour you are witnessing.
Regardless- here's a suggestion that worked with a horse I once had with a similar problem. Buy a packet of McIntosh's toffee and soften it in your hands- see if your horse likes the taste (I have yet to find an equine that doesn't love this stuff). Now wrap the candy around the mouth piece of the bit and practice quietly taking the bit in and half way out in and half way out at least three times. Then take it all the way out and offer another piece of toffee. This isn't a miracle fix - it will take time. The idea is to make this a fun experience.
Okay - now for scenario number two. You might want to make sure that the mare doesn't have a tooth issue or some sort of ulceration in his mouth. You want make sure that her reaction isn't a result of pain or fear of pain.
I hope this is helpful.
S. Evans

Dear Carmen:
You should be able to find it at most large grocery stores, convenience stores- it's in a rectanglar box mostly red - with plaid trim. Failing this, any soft candy that your horse likes and will flex around the mouth piece will do.
Good Luck!
S. Evans