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21 9:55:08

hiya can any one answer me this? why do thoroughbreds always get excited  and always want to gallop on an open field and can any one tell me how to stop this from happening as on thoroughbreds you cant have a quiet ride along a nice open field as they always want to go go go lol please answer help me sort my horse out thnx

Hi Melanie,

Thorobreds were and are bred to run. Even those that never see a race track have the genes to run, run, run.  In order to train or re-train a Thorobred, one must have much knowledge, experience and the proper facility (inclosed arena) with which to do the job properly.  TBs are much too much horse for most people.
This space and forum is too small for me to tell you how to sort your horse out. I have never seen you ride nor have I seen your horse.  I highly recommend that you find a good coach in your area and take your horse for lessons.  TBs are great horses and deserve the best that we can give them. In turn they will give their all.
Happy riding,