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mare in heat

21 9:45:29

I just recently purchased a 5 year old Tennessee Walker mare.  We are keeping her on my in laws land so far have not had any problems.  She has been adjusting very well outside of a few quirks.  The problem is, my brother in-law has a 2 yr old stud, and he just brought him back from the trainers late last night.  Before purchasing my mare, I had been assured that they would place his stud in a separate field.  You can imagine my shock when I discover this morning that they had intentionally placed him in the field with her!!  With out going into the family 'drama' I am obviously concerned for the welfare of my mare, as well as the fact that I have no desire for her to be bred at this point.  I'm looking into other options as far as boarding her goes, but in the mean time do you have any suggestions that might help me out?  I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.

Lol, nice...........  well your mare mare may be breed already, a two year old can breed but, not a big deal really.  I kept my little guy a stud until almost three and he was with 8 mares.  The lead gelding would not let him breed and kept him in check so it was good for him.  You mare can take care of a two year old, so I would not worry about her being hurt, but if she lets him mount her, he may breed her.  He is so young she may just teach him some manners and not let him.  Don't sweat it too much.  Horses always do better together with other horses.  Make sure neither horse has rear shoes so no gets hurt.
