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Canter on the right rein

21 9:47:12


I have had  my 9 year old 15.2 connemara for 1 year now, we are having problems when asking to canter on the right rein, he becomes very anxious and when we do get the correct leg he is so anxious and runs off in a real panic, I have been advised to hold the left rein, put more weight on the left and give the right rein, I have managed to get him on the right rein and really do praise him but he is still so anxious and I am now having problem hacking him out too, he becomes anxious when he is on his own, he has such a lovely nature and I will do all I can to help him, we have had the bridle and saddle checked and my next thing is to have his teeth and back looked at, am I doing all the right things

hi paul,
having his teeth checked would be great having an equine chiropractor would also be very good. have him adjust his poll, neck, back, and ribs. basically everything. to help with his right lead work him in the round pen at a canter going to the right. if he switches to his left lead make him trot and canter again on his right. when riding him make sure you are balanced in the center and circle him to the right the as your comming out of your circle make him canter. hi will pick up his right lead. if he switches then make him trot and do the same. once he has gone around the arena on hisright lead end the lesson and do the same the next day. good luck
amanda groff