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re: foals

21 9:47:12

hi there i have a foal aged 8 months and hes my first foal. if you went to tuch his hoof he would kick out at you, but we made a hand on a stick for him but he refuses to have it near him also he is very agressive when it come to his food, when hes eating hay ect he would go to bite you, kick you and charges at you.


What you have on your hands is a very spoiled brat and it's time for you to put your foot down with him.  He's being very disrespectful and rude which, in my book, is totally unacceptable behavior!!  

Has he been gelded?  Unless, of course, he's destined for breeding.  If not I would get it done ASAP.

You have been letting him get away with unacceptable behavior I would guess from the start and he's too big to simply muscle around anymore.  So, you have to take a different route.  First off, refuse to tolerate this sort of behavior.  Carry a dressage whip and use it if he charges at you.  Instead of moving out of the way throw your arms up and yell at him, moving towards him (carefully, you have to read what's he's doing to know which way to move).  This is not an expected reaction and it will get his attention.  Then chase him a couple of steps, make him back down.  

If you have a round pen take him in there and get some respect learned.  If you are not familiar with round pen work there are some videos out by Pat Parelli that are excellent.  There are also dozens of books by various natural horsemen - Lyons, Pate, Roberts, Shrake, Parelli.  I think the video is much better because it's visual.  Anyhow, it works.  If you don't have a round pen either make one or improvise one by running a board across the corners to shut off the corners.  Ideally it should be about 60 ft. in diameter but you can use a somewhat larger area successfully.  

He's a boy, and sounds like a bully.  He no longer has momma to discipline him and make him behave and is taking full advantage of you.  You've tried being nice and he's walked all over you so now you have to do some tough love.  Whenever he exhibits unacceptable behavior discipline him.  Me, I'll punch them in the nose, hard, if they try to bite me.  They get the idea real quick that I won't let them do that.  If they decide to be aggressive about their feed and won't cooperate with me they've missed a meal.  It got the point across.  I hope you don't get the idea that I want you to beat him or anything.  This is spanking him.  It's language he'll understand.  You have to yell at him, make him know in no uncertain terms that you will not tolerate his rude behavior.  

He's a youngster and unless he's exceptionally stubborn will come around quickly.  Take it in easy steps, insist that he let you groom him all over before you ask him to pick up a foot.  Don't work alone, have someone there holding him.  They can add correction to what you are doing and keep an eye on him.  He is just going to need some really structured work to get him on track.

Good luck and keep me posted on your progress.  If I can be of further assistance please let me know.
