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green broke horse

21 9:49:24

I have a 5 year old full blooded paint horse that is green broke. She goes a few steps then stops over and over. Then I guess when she's had enough she just stops completely. How can I get her to keep going when slight nudging with my heels or light tapping with the reins doesn't seem to help. I'm also a novice rider and don't want her to just take off on me, just keep walking until I tell her to stop.

There is never a quick fix for a stubborn horse... trust me!!!

Have you consulted with a local trainer? It might be time to get some professional help from a more experienced rider.

I can't really give you any advice, I am not sure exactly why your horse is acting this way. I would advise consulting with a trainer ultimately, but you may also want to check and see that your tack fits the horse well - she could not be wanting to move because it hurts, but if that is not the case I would definately call a trainer.