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re:mustang freeze marks

21 9:30:18

I have a mare that I was told could possibly be a mustang. I have tried and tried to track her freeze mark to find out what breed she is or even where she came from. I know her freeze mark is 71 but I don't know if that will help.I was wondering if you know if this could be a mustang or if you have any idea how I would continue my search to find out her background.


The BLM freeze brand us characterized by starting with "U".  The freon may have run a little, I've seen them look a little different but then it follows the conventional freeze brand format.  There are no numbers but a series of symbols, each of which has a numeric value.  Unless her brand consists of what could be a "U" followed by 2 symbols, one over the other, then 6 more symbols with a line under them, you don't have a BLM Mustang.  It would be on the left side of her neck.  

They have been freeze branding Standardbreds for a while with numbers, I think 4 of them, on their necks on the right side.  The idea was to make the horses readily identifiable in race finish photos.  

I would suggest you contact either your local Agriculture Agency for suggestions on contacts for specific branding done in your area.  I know Florida had a program to freeze brand horses for people because they were having a severe horse rustling problem.  I have no real idea what may have been done in Canada but this may give you a start at least.  

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help in suggesting ways to find out more about your horse's brand than this.  Hopefully it will prove helpful.
