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worsening growths on my palaminos face

21 9:19:04

i have a two yr old palamino filly, Epona. we live in north east texas. she eats coastal bermuda, and about 10 0r 12 lbs of 10% sweetfeed daily. i keep a trace mineral block out and good water.
now, let me say that i do not know what i am doing. my daughter wanted a horse, i got her one, and now im the one who takes care of the horse.
Epona has been developing small whitish grey, almost mushroomy looking bumps around her mouth. at first they were just a few, but in the last couple of weeks, they are becoming alarming. ive been told that it is from the feed and harmless, but the last two weeks, she also has been very dark around her eyes and nose.
can you help me?

Hi Michael -

Warts around the nose and mouth of young horses like yours are fairly common and while unsightly, will typically resolve on their own with no treatment necessary.  It's more often seen in horses younger than 12 months but not unheard of in horses older than that.  Is Epona turned out with other horses?  Have you noticed similar warts on any of the other horses.  Is it possible for you to take a picture and send it to me ... might give me a better idea of what may be going on.  My guess is that it will clear up on its own in a few months but feel free to forward pics to  I think Epona is just fine and it probably darkening around her eyes and nose in preparation for shedding that winter coat.  Our winter here in north Texas has been extremely mild and I've noticed horses beginning to shed already.

Hope this helps!
