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Conformation of my QH

21 9:30:20


Was wondering if you would critique my QH's conformation? (I know, his halter is too loose :)) Feel free to be honest! :) Thanks!

Thank you for the question. A tough one as a single photo does not show a lot, and the pose of your horse is not ideal. Yes, his halter is very loose, and possibly dangerous to the horse, but has nothing to do with his conformation.
My first impression when I seen this photo was, "this is a good balanced typical QH." Balance is possibly the greatest attribute any horse can have, it means he fits together well, all his parts flow together with no glaring differences. ie) long legs on a short horse, long back on a short croup and short necked horse, all bad.
Back to Rusty, he has a very nice eye, big and soft looking. He is of decent length from his eye to tip of his nose. Ears, a little long for me but I really like his shallow mouth and big nostrils. He has a very good neck, great looking throatlatch and his neck ties in nice to a good shoulder and real nice whither, A decent shoulder, not like some of the QH's with more TB Blood. His muscle fits his frame well and the forearm has the long muscle we all like. Very short cannon bones, very good, he has good depth of heart, appears to be well sprung in the ribs. Not really liking the strength of his back and loin in this photo. May even be a bit short in the croup, very hard to tell. Nice gaskins, fit with all his muscle, nice clean hock but from there down on both legs I can't really see much, except, the thing I like the least of what I can see are his hind pasterns which appear a bit short and by the angle make me suspect he may stand under himself a bit behind.
Overall, as a local show horse, trail horse, games, working horse he is a good one. He'll do.  The greatest thing I see is a horse in excellent condition, very clean and groomed by someone who cares. I think with your continued good care Rusty will be a sound and reliable mount well into his advanced years.
Would be great to have more info, like age, Sire%26Dam, height, etc. as well as more photos.
I would take him in my barn as in my area horses like this (with a mind and training) are rarely offered for sale as there is a list of willing buyers waiting.
Hope this helps some and I wish you many hours of joy with Rusty.
Take care Kimberly, Happy Trails.
