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Wish I had a horse

21 9:35:28


The horse I want
How can I convince my parents to get me a horse I've been looking at. I'm 12 and there is a beautiful sorrel Saddlebred free to a good home near me.

Dear Molly,
I know nothing about your family's financial situation or if you have property or a facility where you could keep this mare. I also know nothing about your background or the horse's background.
What I CAN tell you is there is no such thing as a FREE horse.If the owners are giving her away- there's a reason. It makes no sense at all that anyone would GIVE away a marketable horse- so in theses cases there are usually veterinary or temperament issues. Regardless- you are old enough to know that the purchase price of an animal is the tip of the iceberg. Costs include board, farrier bills, vet care, training, lessons, tack (and replacement) and, of course- it is always wise to keep at least $2,000 in an EMERGENCY fund for those potential accidents and illnesses.
The photo is too small for me to be able offer you any conformation advice.
I wish I could be of more help but a horse is a huge investment of both time and money - even a "free" one.
S. Evans