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Lump on chin of arab

21 9:40:38

Hi, I have a 6 yo Arab gelding who has a hard lump under his chin. It feels boney & is about one inch across. It's not painful. I ride with a bitless bridle, but it doesnt appear to be a spot where the bridle has been rubbing. Are bone growths in this area common??


this lump could be normal and associated with the teeth in the lower arcade. It is usually present on both sides of the jaw though. Im not sure where this lump is specifically as you have described it. It could also be the result of a periosteal reaction to trama to the bone in that area. As such, it would be a hard single lump that will eventually go away in all likelihood. If you are concerned about this mass, I recommend having it radiographed by your vet. In all likelihood, it is probably a innocuous mass that may go away with time. please feel free to contact me again if you hacve any further questions.