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21 9:40:38

I adopted a 1 year mustang about 3 mo ago. He was thin when I got him but recently I have noticed his ribs are very noticeable and his stomach is very bloated. I wormed him in the past week but he almost looks like he is pregnant. What could be going on?


There could be several things going on here.  I would first get a stool check done on him to find out if 1 worming was enough.  If he was exceptionally wormy it may not have done the trick.  I would actually suggest a check-up by the vet to see if he has any other issues going on health-wise.  You don't say whether he is on hay or pasture but hay can be a culprit in the "big belly" syndrome in youngsters.  Coarse, tough hay has a high lignen content which is not easily digested and will not pass though the gut well.  Do remember that youngsters go though gawky, awkward stages as they grow but this sounds like more than that.  If you just wormed him recently and his stool sample shows the wormer worked properly then just keep him on a regular worming program and give him some time.  Make sure he's getting enough groceries for proper growth too, more than just hay.  He needs some grain too if he's not getting it already.  

I hope this helps.
