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Rough Gaited Quarter Horse

21 9:46:50

I have a good, all around mare that i use, but she tends to have a rough,
choppy lope when I go take her into the show ring.We run alot at home, and
once she is running some what fast, the choppy-ness stops.Dyna's trot is
beautiful, but it still bouncy, but wasnt as bad as when we first got her.How
do i get my mare to slow down, and still have a low, natrual head set with
smooth gaits?


You are going to have to spend a lot of time re-training her.  I would also have her checked out by an equine chiropractor to re-align her back and possibly her shoulders.  Once you get her straightened out by the chiropractor you need to take her into the ring and work with her.  Use half-halts, no stronger than needed, to get her to slow down.  I think you are going to have to give up the trail riding for at least a month.  And then do a couple of days of ring work, a trail ride, then more ring work.  Go for a nice long ride on a weekend as a break for both of you.  You need to concentrate on teaching her how to do something other than run.  She's become a speed-freak and now you have to get her thinking otherwise.  She needs to learn the difference between riding in a ring vs. out on trails.  It can take a lot of patience and time and persistance on your part to get a horse to turn around.  But it can be done.  

Hope this helps.  
