Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > horse is layn down all day in staall

horse is layn down all day in staall

21 9:36:42

my daughters mare was layn down this morninmg when i went out to feed, she goe up ate her grain but didnt touch the good hay all day, she was layn down when i went back to feed(evening0 drank some water but didnt touch the new grain. puzzled as she has been healthy. no real clues ,she just seems not feeling well,no making any unusal sounds or activity other than lyn down more than usual: day 1

im sorry I really dont understand what you are telling me or what yor question is. If your horse is ill and not acting right, you should get an equine vet to examine it. You have not given me any information that is specific for anything other than the horse maybe not feeling well. Id be happy to answer a question if you have one, but I dont understand what you have written. What does day 1 mean??